Duroweld has given the teeth at least 300% more life than similar products we have used.

Duroweld have, over a number of years supplied their services to overlay some of our high-wear parts for our pulverized fuel mills. We had been experiencing high wear on our rollers and table. We had spare parts to change out but this took considerable effort and time.

We asked Duroweld to perform a test on one of the mills to ascertain just how good the results would be. The results of the test were extremely good. They reduced the downtime of the mill and gave us considerably longer service intervals. We found that if we overlaid the parts before they got into a poor state of repair they also reduced the amount of material we had to apply for optimum protection from wear.

The results were in fact so good that we have considerably reduced the maintenance required on our machinery, allowing for a greater up-time and lower costs – so it was a win/win situation for us at the work face.

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  Duroweld has given the teeth on our mulch and grinding machines at least 300% more life than similar products we have used.    - Anton Matthews, Co-Director Bay Mulching

Graymont (formally McDonald’s Lime Ltd), a division of Holcim NZ Ltd operates a number of crushing and grinding type machines to manufacture agricultural and burnt lime.

We have employed the services of Duroweld for a number of years to apply tungsten carbide hardfacing overlay to our crusher rotors and bowl mill rollers, easily doubling their usable life. Duroweld also supplies us with a range of hardfaced wear plates and specialized welding consumables.

Duroweld also freely offers technical advice and is extremely effective in problem-solving situations when we face a situation that is out of the ordinary. We continue to find Duroweld to be a professional, reliable service provider to our organization.

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  Duroweld has provided professional quality hardfacing services to our Company for many years and continues to do so.  The team is always able to offer technical support & creative solutions, and make themselves available even at short notice to assist with our Hardfacing requirements     - Pounamu Oilfeild Services

Bay Mulching Ltd is based in Tauranga, New Zealand, and has been in production for twenty-two years. We build and operate purpose-built mulchers, tree chippers, and stump chippers. Our work involves land clearing – taking cut-over forests back to productive farmland, heavy mulching – above ground, and stump chipping which is ground-engaging.

For the last six years, our machines, Mega 930 (930hp mulcher), Mega 400 (400hp mulcher and stump chipper), and a digger mounted stump chipper have all had hard facing applied to their teeth by Duroweld. Their product Mig Carbide is a tungsten carbide granule coating and in our work, we have found this product to be so effective that it has given the teeth at least 300% more life than the conventional hardfacing products we have traditionally used.

Duroweld’s products are so good, using them has made our business much more cost-effective.
